
八卦快讯 2024-02-16 22:36:50





China's gala held on to mark the World Day cases of of in , , food , , blind boxes and among .

The 315 Gala, an show by China on the of ' , the lack of in the of , at the Hunan Chaqi Co Ltd.

A video , some , some , on the . were and one even threw the butt into the .

The topic "315 Gala " went viral on media as are after the .

China is the world's of , with 46.35 in 2020, for 40 of the total.

E- like , and Hema later the and other with the .

to Chaqi's , its KFC, Kong and many other . The also said that it has with many well-known , such as Uni- and 's, on and of raw .

, Chaqi's was shut down right after the 315 Gala.

KFC later said that Chaqi is not one of its and is the to take down the on the .

In terms of , the gala cases like of and phone calls that .

The gala also for the first time an that 's smart live , how can enter 's smart and steal .

in the and have been a focus of the 315 Gala in years.

In 2021, the of and over 2 apps, 1,549 that were rules and 514 that to .

At the same time, legal has with the Data Law and the Law that came into on 1 and 1, 2021, . These laws the of by apps and the of ' big data.

As of 2021, China has 1.03 users. This big made and more than ever.

in the , an in China amid the of e-, were for the first time on the gala, of , on , , of and .

to Group, the of users in China 635 in 2021 and is to reach 660 in 2022.

By 2021, the of e- in China 58,000, with a size of 1.2 yuan ($188 ) which is to reach 1.44 yuan ($226 ) in 2022, to .

In 2021, the China 1.04 from , up 6.4 year-on-year. Among them, the of was as high as 102,674, in the .

A total of 836,000 were , with a rate of 80 with of 1.52 yuan ($238.6 ) on for .

to a by the China on , 70 of in the , and about 60 the of the of the .

, the of trust of on was lower than on , the .

: CCTV, Times

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